Thursday, August 13, 2015

Aam Doi (Mango Yogurt)

Aam Doi 

My Dad is a big health freak and diabetic too.
He also has a huge sweet tooth .
 So he has convinced himself and everyone around him that eating sweet is healthy.
Isn't  that brilliant!!
In Mango season in my home town kolkata,which is popular for Misti Doi (sweet yogurt).
Famous sweet shop owners make variant of Misti Doi,Aam Doi(mango yogurt),infusing mango flavor in regular sweet yogurt.
It totally tastes yummy and very easy to make it at home if you have oven .
There is also a top stove version but the procedure is quite lengthy.
A yummy dessert to surprise your friends and family .


  • Mango pulp-1cup 

  • Whole or full fat milk -1ltr

  • Sour curd-1cup

  • Sweetend condensed milk -1 cup 

  • Sugar-5tbsp


Take a cheese cloth and pour the sour curd  on he cheese cloth and tie and hang from your kitchen tap for  1hr.
Now take the milk in a sauce pan and place on heat to boil the milk .
Mean while add sugar .
Boil the milk till the quantity becomes 1/4 of the original amount.
Let the milk to cool down .
Now pre-heat the oven on 240F
Now take a bowl add the hung curd with the milk .
Now  add condensed milk ,mango pulp and mix them all together very gently .
Make sure there should be no lumps.

Take an ovenproof bowl and pour all the mixture and place the Aam Doi mixture inside the pre -heated oven for 1 hour or until the yogurt sets.
When the yogurt is settled ,
turn off the oven and let the yogurt  inside the oven for overnite.

In the morning remove the Aam Doi from the oven and place inside the refrigerator  for chilling .
Then refrigerate for at least 4-5 hrs or more to set fully .
Njoy & serve chilled.

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